Design your christmas : the linear co. collaboration
I’ve been speaking to friends who are struggling with making Christmas feel festive and meaningful this year. I’ve had a little think about why that might be so. Is it the feeling of separation? That this 2020’s Christmas won’t be full of unabashed large gatherings of your natural or chosen family? Perhaps its just fatigue? After all, it has been the longest/shortest/oddest year in memory.
Instead of the rushing, bustling commercialism, gluttony, and unabashed avarice that have become synonymous with Christmas, maybe its time to get back to the basics of Christmas - a little more “Peace on Earth and good will toward men”, because - isn’t that the theme of this season?
While I’ve struggled with lack of hugs, handshakes and in-person closeness usually provided on my expat journey in the Middle East by concentrated time, once or twice a year, with my dear family and closest friends, I have had more conversation dare I say more real, in-depth, heartfelt conversation this year than I have in a while.
Full disclosure - I am NOT a phone person. I hate the sound of ringing phones (I don’t care what tone is used) given that my profession is talking all day - at the end of the day my idea of torture is having a conversation with - anyone I don’t care how much I love them. But this year… I’ve had to make friends with telecommunications because, well, I had no choice. It was that or face uninterrupted introspection and let me tell you - that can be a messy and judgey village I have no desire to take up residence in for too long.
Aside: Zoom, Skype and FaceTime, as annoying as you’ve been at times - Thank you!
Who were all these amazing people? Well, let me say this. All the people I corresponded with regularly this year were EXACTLY who I needed.
Through these conversations, an old acquaintance (who I always admired because she’s aloof in a cool girl way that I love), transformed into a dear friend. My best friend (discussed in detail below) once again earned her sash and crown as the badest chick in my crew.
In addition to all this unnatural (for me) phone, zoom and FaceTime chatter, I returned to my mother-instilled letter writing roots. There is something unique about a long hand (email/letter) or a card sent and received. Who doesn’t like to receive mail full of news, jokes, encouragement and reminisce? Something less instantaneous that one can digest at one’s own pace.
It was through all the card sending that I was able to wish my best friend from middle school well as she birthed her second child. The thought was - she could have a communication with a dear old friend (me) at her “leisure”. A something that arrived exclusively for her, had nothing to do with the babies and most importantly that she didn’t have to share with anyone else. After all, she was giving her body over to the work of mothering a new born and toddler.
I knew it was imperative to remain close to another friend who received upsetting news that her baby required surgery. Due to COVID and being away from her home country, this friend was unable to receive the support of much beloved parents and dear friends she so needed - so I sent card after card with words, that (I hope) strengthened and even made her smile through a stressful time.
My longer communications have been via email and thousands of words passed over the ether as I’ve formed an unexpected new friendship with a work colleague in another country that I believe will last for life.
We’ve all felt to some degree the undoing of the global village. I think the heartfelt nature of presence, (not in person) is more important than all the store bought nonsense we usually get don’t you think?
After speaking with my friend and colleague Ben King, inspiration struck! Ben’s wife, Nikki King, is the founder and the artistic creative behind The Linear Co. I’ve long admired Nikki’s work (as Ben is so terribly proud of her company and talent). I was thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Nikki to create the perfect Christmas offering.
Custom Christmas cards by The Linear Co.!
These cards were designed to illustrate the the highlights of my year — connecting with my friends old and new!
I must say collaborating with Nikki was a seamless and super fun experience! We spoke via whatsapp and came up with a great concept! Take that Hallmark!
Take a look at the beautiful card to te left and read on. I’ll tell you the story behind these images.
During the height of the lockdown my dear friend Morgan and her husband Luke finalized the adoption of their much longed for son. This little boy was so dearly wanted for so many years - I wonder if he will ever know how many conversations Morgan and I had, how many tears were shed, how many prayers we whispered when I personally couldn’t say “Hang in there!” (with sincerity) one more time? But this year… 2020. This. Year. During 24 hour lockdown Morgan text asking me to speak via FaceTime. After the usual preamble, Morgan revealed her son! A complete surprise as there had been so much heartache around this journey. I am not a “burster” but yes… I burst into tears! Morgan’s shining face looking down at her son and then up at me and down again, brightly tired eyes and flushed cheeks were a sight I had prayed for, year after baby-less year.
Over the past year, my best friend Dayliset, a fast rising star lawyer on a national scale, (Gloria Allred take notes) and I have enjoyed more than our usual cackle filled, “Let’s figure this life out girl!” conversations. The slowing of the year has meant serious park time with her growing son and our mutual shift to long “walk n’ talks”. We were both devoted runners before COVID (her WAY MORE more than me). But 10 years on from law school, I live and work internationally. Dayliset’s practice is high profile and fast growing, (aside: we’ve contemplated a reality show because we are legitimately THAT fabulous together) we haven’t spent much time talking in real time. Even when we are on the phone we are real keyboard gangsters - a text here, a meme there and we keep it pushing. I didn’t realize how much I needed it, voice conversation with my best sister/friend. Dayliset pulled me through some hard (self) isolation, made me laugh at myself and her, encouraged me to reevaluate some deep unhappiness and shared the cutest videos of her growing toddler.
The Linear Co. has perfectly captured and paid tribute to these two dear friends and their importance in my life this year. Thank you Nikki! I can’t wait to pen cards to my friends using the beautiful cards created.
And yes - we did more than one!
While each recipient may not know the story behind each card, the images I’m sure are relatable to our lives in 2020. Why not create your own set of cards, stationary or wall art with The Linear Co.? Read more about the founder in her own words below and don’t forget to visit her website and like her stuff on the Gram and Facebook!
I know that I will be holding on to these cards by The Linear Co. for years to come. Not only will I remember the collaboration process with my newest friend Nikki, but I am fortunate to have a artistic representation of the meaningful connections of 2020.
If you could create a unique card or artistic offering with The Linear Co. what would you create? Leave your comments on your dream creation and questions for Nikki or me in the comments box below!
Happy Christmas!
Meet the Founder
Nikki King - Founder and Artistic Creative of The Linear Co.
In her own words: My husband jokingly refers to my work as ‘colouring in’ and I must agree that it does bring a much needed meditative quality to my monkey mind!
I’m not a formally trained graphic designer or illustrator but I did study art, textiles and graphics at college. A decade of ‘jobs’ in travel/sports marketing & corporate services did not provide much opportunity for creativity but did fund my passion for travel, which is equally good for the soul.
I’m a Mother to a one year bundle of energy, have another on the way and I’m also step mum a seven year old girl called Chloe. Add in three ‘furry babies’ into the mix (a basset, a beagle and a husky) and our lives are full on and fun!
I love photography but am not a fan of hanging photos of us on the walls so wanted to find a medium that allowed me to translate these memories into contemporary images that still captured the moment.
I hope I can capture your ‘moments’ through my work so feel free to contact me for a quote!